If Employers Wanted to Improve the Education System
It wouldn't take long. It's only a little question, after all.
If employers genuinely wanted to make a difference to the quality and nature of the education their prospective employees receive then it would actually be quite easy.
An interview would go something like this:
Interviewer: Miss Jones, thanks for coming.
Interviewee: My pleasure.
Interviewer: I see from your CV that you were a straight-A student at school. Well done.
Interviewee: Thank you.
Interviewer: Now, tell me about the pedagogy you received.
Interviewee: I’m sorry?
Interviewer: Describe for me how you were taught, Miss Jones?
Interviewee: Well, er, it was quite a traditional school…
Interviewer: Traditional...
Interviewee: Yes, you know. Lots of stuff to remember. Paying attention to the teacher at the front. Doing what you're told. Normal school life.
Interviewer: Interesting.
Interviewee: And we had lots of tests. I always got great marks.
Interviewer: I see.
Interviewee: You do?
Interviewer: Very clearly.
Interviewee: OK…?
Interviewer: And you have 12 GCSEs and 4 A-levels, all at top grades.
Interviewee: That’s right.
Interviewer: One question, though, please Miss Jones.
Interviewee: Of course.
Interviewer: Tell me, what else have you got?
Interviewee: I'm sorry?
Interviewer: You know, besides those grades.
Interviewee: [...]
When students leave your care, will they be able to tell others about their failures, their triumphs, their passions, their ambitions, how the world is already a better place because they're in it, how they will leave a mark, no matter how small?
You know, what else have they got? [ITL]

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About the author
Ian Gilbert
Ian Gilbert is an award-winning writer, editor, speaker, innovator and the founder of Independent Thinking. Currently based in Finland, he has lived and worked in the UK, mainland Europe, the Middle East, South America and Asia and is privileged to have such a global view of education and education systems.