Dave McPartlin
Leadership - Authenticity - Dare to Dream
Every now and again in school leadership you get one of those metaphorical ‘golden buzzer' moments. It’s that magical occasion when all your hard work and dedication, creativity and courage come together and something amazing happens that transforms the entire school community.
Although, if you are Dave McPartlin, that Golden Buzzer was not metaphorical but actual and what started with him encouraging his children to ‘dare to dream’ culminated in Dave on stage in a leotard being hugged by a weeping David Walliams.
Of course, that unforgettable moment on Britain’s Got Talent with practically every child from the school on the stage and every parent in the audience, was simply part of the bigger picture of Dave's working as the headteacher of Flakefleet Primary School near Blackpool.
Having always lived and worked in areas of social challenge, Dave’s understands that change starts with dreaming big. For him, encouraging his community to ‘dare to dream’ meant running with whatever they suggested and then working together to make dreams come true.
Want a royal wedding procession on the streets of the town. We can do that? Want a Christmas number one? Let's give it a go. Fancy being on Britain’s Got Talent? Hold my coat.

"It is amazing what happens when you encourage your school to dare to dream"
Dave McPartlin
Recent titles include:
- Leading with Honesty: The Power of Vulnerability in Leadership
- The Art of Possibility - Dare To Dream
- Know Yourself, Know Others: The Foundations of Authentic Leadership
At a time when leading a school risks being a process of ticking boxes, chasing results and pleasing inspectors, Dave’s leadership skills prove you can lead with passion, creativity and ambition.
Of course, such leadership also takes bravery and Dave is not afraid to raise his head above the parapet, whether that’s challenging Ofsted at a national level or his role on BBC Bitesize during the lockdowns or talking openly about his personal journey with emotional health and his recent ADHD diagnosis.
It is this combination of honesty, authenticity and optimism that makes Dave such an important contributor to the educational leadership landscape and why we are pleased to support his important work changing lives and communities.
Dave McPartlin In His Own Words
To make an enquiry about booking Dave please give us a call on +44 (0)1267 211432 or fill in the Booking Enquiry form.
If you have a date in mind that will help too.
We'll then get back to you reassuringly quickly for a free, no-obligation chat to explore your needs in more detail.
We look forward to hearing from you.
- Dave has been with Independent Thinking since November 2024
- You'll find his work in our Leadership topic areas
- Dave is one of our New Voices
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Give us a call on +44 (0)1267 211432 or drop us a line at learn@independentthinking.co.uk.
We promise to get back to you reassuringly quickly.